75 Words for the Naturalization Test

Learn and memorize how to write and pronounce these words
Section A
American Indians
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Enter the phrase here
You need to type the word or a phrase correctly. You may play audio file for a help; both exercise will help you to memorize how to write and pronounce this word or phrase
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Presidents' Day
this phrase fade out after 10 seconds
Enter the phrase here
You need to type the word or a phrase correctly. You may play audio file for a help; both exercise will help you to memorize how to write and pronounce this word or phrase
Excellent! You spelled the word correctly
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this phrase fade out after 10 seconds
Enter the phrase here
You need to type the word or a phrase correctly. You may play audio file for a help; both exercise will help you to memorize how to write and pronounce this word or phrase
Excellent! You spelled the word correctly
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Please try again
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PAGE 1 OF 25

Section "75 words" uses official instructions and media files of US Citizenship and Immigration Services or other governmental and public organization.